- To recommend that CFIA’s information about livestock transportation be circulated to members
- To continue working on the expansion and re-development of roads on the YAA property
- To work with a designer to develop signage for the property and confirm the wording
- To ask the Custodian for an estimate for the repair to the mower and seek a second opinion
- To find out if similar rental equipment is available at local equipment businesses
- To send a letter of support for the Ibex Valley Seasonal Grazing Proposal to Government of Yukon
- To request additional representatives from the agriculture sector be added to the Elk-Ag Conflict Working Group
- To submit an ATIPP request for information about the January elk census
- To send a letter of support to advocate for changes to the elk permit hunt
- To approve letters of support for projects by Lastraw Ranch and Klondike Valley Nursery
- To contact the Lands Branch to say that YAA does not have concerns about the current rezoning application