Dear Yukon Food Producers,

The Government of Yukon has recently put out an invitational tender to retail and wholesale grocery suppliers for bids on a 3-5 year Standing Offer Agreement (SOA) for the supply and delivery of Yukon food and food products to the Yukon government. Within this SOA, Yukon government is encouraging suppliers to develop relationships with local producers and include Yukon-grown agricultural foods and products when available. 

Agriculture Branch and Government of Yukon would like to encourage producers who are interested in this type of market opportunity to prepare for retail and wholesale grocery suppliers to contact you. The retailer or wholesaler will want to know details about:

  • what you produce;
  • volume and available format (i.e. 5 lbs bag, 50 lb boxes, sides, cuts, frozen, fresh etc.);
  • seasonal availability (when do you have product for distribution – i.e. fall only, summer and fall, year round?);
  • price point (should be competitive with other local food);
  • your food safety program; and
  • when you have new products available.

 Bidders will be contacting local producers in coming weeks. This is a great opportunity to think through the above details and plan how your business could work with wholesale/retail suppliers to provide local food to government operations.


Contact: Kristine Ferris, Policy Analyst, Agriculture Branch, 867-667-3116,