Selling Yukon Farm Products


Just starting out? Check out this one-page overview and this link about Selling Your Agriculture ProductsA quick review of the following document will identify if you need a temporary food permit when selling your farm products. Contact HACCP for guidance in the development of a food safe management system. See the Small Scale Food Processors Association website for additional food safety resources.

At Farm Gate 

Many Yukon farm and garden products are sold directly from the farm to customers via “farm gate” sales.  This enables farmers to set their own prices and interact directly with customers who can gain an appreciation for the energy, time and costs that go into producing local foods. Farm gate sales are regulated differently than sales via a third party retailer. See Selling Your Agriculture Products for more information. 

The online Yukon Farm Products & Services Guide lists Yukon farms and businesses as well as the products and services they offer. If you are selling goods at a farmers’ market, contact Yukon Tourism Education Council and ask about their MarketSafe courses. Yukon farmers’ markets take place in Whitehorse, Dawson City, Tagish, Haines Junction and Mayo/Stewart Valley. 

To Retailers

If you are interested in selling at the retail level, contact local retailers to find out the food safety standards that farmers and producers are required to meet. Requirements may vary between retailers. Meat and egg products are regulated and require inspection. Some retailers require vegetable growers to have GAP certification or be certified organic. 

To Government of Yukon 

All food sold to the Government of Yukon must have gone through approved, inspected supply chains. Currently, this means that the local farm products that can be sold to government are: 

  • red meat
  • whole eggs
  • unprocessed fruit and vegetables

If the food product you are interested in selling to government is not listed here, contact Environmental Health Services.

The primary way in which Yukon farmers can access government purchasers is to make direct contact with government institutions to learn what kinds of products and volumes are required throughout the year or for special events.