Equipment Rentals
The Yukon Agricultural Association will be overseeing the rental program for the 2024 season. To make reservations, please contact our office at for assistance with booking, pick up, and drop off. We kindly request a minimum of 5 business days between booking and pick up dates whenever possible. We are excited to enhance and maintain a successful sustainable program moving forward. The equipment rental program committee values feedback from our members, so if you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to share them by emailing, Thank you.
Schulte 1500 heavy duty mower
Temporarily out of service
15 foot (needs 65-150 horse power tractor)
Cost to rent: $150/day
Kuhn 3 bottom reversible plough
Aerway aerator - 15 foot
with Valmar 1655 granular applicator/overseeder (needs approximately 100+ horse power tractor)
Cost to rent: $150/day
John Deere 1590 No Till Drill
Leon 375 manure spreader
Temporarily out of service
(needs approximately 60 horse power tractor)
Cost to rent: $150/day